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How to Prepare Perfect SEO Content for Website

September 25, 2021

Keywords are the lifeblood of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) approach. But the term seems so hackneyed and worn out while sticking directly to the modern-day SEO context. A major portion of content writers and online bloggers are clinging to keywords and thinking keywords alone can give enough traction to hit the traffic.

Most of the businesses right now are familiar with the overriding of SEO and are plugged into it for increasing inbound traffic. However, creating content by inserting keywords your customers are likely to search for is not the right way to deal with SEO. 

Then, what is the right way of creating SEO content?

In this article, we shall stick to solving this SEO puzzle out.

Why SEO is important?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just a process, but it's both the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines or web browsers. Browsing is one of the major things that content seekers do to get equipped with quality content. Ranking higher in search engines means you are getting attention and can lead to an increase in traffic to a website. 

Tips for perfect SEO contents

1. Write to engage the audience

Targeting a specific audience is a powerful way to climb through the rankings. The first thing that you have to set up is not the words but the audience. Before writing or typing, to be accurate, define the type of audience you have. Even the keywords are mostly connected to this audience. And when you know exactly who your target audience is, then you can apply an effective SEO strategy to the people who search for you. So you have to search for the people who search for you to create better traffic.

The next thing is, mould your content matching to the audience. Try to improve their reading experience on your website at any cost. And far from providing a read, try to engage them using sentences showcasing your emotions. The traffic is worth only when the readers turn to customers or leads. So engage them with both interesting and informative content. Identify the questions likely to be asked by your target audience and try to answer them all in a convincing manner.

2. Conduct keyword research

Imagine you are preparing a dish without the knowledge of proper ingredients. How would it end up? The answer seems cringe. In a similar way, writing content without keywords beforehand will also end up cringe. So you have to collect all the keywords together and make a perfect recipe with them. Keyword research is one of the important stages before writing content, just like knowing the target audience.

You can do keyword research accurately using online tools. Make use of tools like the Google Ads Keyword Planner or Google Search Console’s Performance Report to simplify your keyword research. The necessary information like average search traffic for keywords, click-through rate (CTR), the keywords your site has already hit rankings, related keywords, and more are available through these keyword research tools.

Keyword research also helps you to come across keywords having pure searcher intent. The organic traffic and audience’s needs increase when you gather keywords with clear intents.

3. Natural Inclusion of keywords

Keyword stuffing is important in SEO-optimized content. But how often do you use keywords? Inclusion of keywords once in a while, in such a way that Google can recognize and rank your content at the forefront might not be the best way for persuading human readers. There is no such thing as a perfect metric on keyword density. So, construct your content using the right content at the right place. Use keywords as often as you feel right rather than peppering a handful. Cater a natural outlook for your content suiting your human audience. Convincing google’s algorithm with a whole slew of keywords may seem awkward and artificial for your human audience. This may help you to get enough traffic. But the traffic is not worth a penny unless the audience is properly engaged.

There are some sweet spots in your content that can render traffic by adding the right keywords. They are,

  • Beginning and end of your content: These are two sweet spots that are weighing more in search engines. So, arrange to equip your content with a well-structured and keyword-rich introduction and conclusion. This can seek more attention from search engines.
  • On-page titles and section headers: The main headers and section headers are actually the most important part of your content which can showcase the soul of the content you are dealing with. So pinpoint them a bit more by including relevant keywords.

4. Understand the site visitors and the shopper psychology

Unwind the ultimate purpose of your blog. And always try to keep alive the purpose of your SEO-optimized content. Try to gear readers to leads or customers and you have to keep an eye on this throughout the content. Far from just explaining what the product or service is, accord a twist by explaining how the products are used to achieve or how the readers are benefitted from the services. Remember, you are never the only website showing the same content. You will have to face a whole lot of competitors from every corner. So try to provide relevant and reliable content. People never find so much time clinging to your page searching the data they want. They will exit the page after a few minutes of skimming if they fail to find the data they are looking for. So relevant and reliable data that can easily engage with is the magnet that the audience is attracted to. 

SEO-optimized content should be clear, well organized, engaging, and easily navigatable. And the content should be specific to meet the goals of the readers. The readers’ purpose should be your purpose. Ask yourself whether the product or service you are trying to reach is satisfying the end goal of the readers. 

5. Add unique selling points 

Cultivate the resistance to purchase rather than creating barriers. Know your competitors and try to stand out by providing unique services. Include unique selling points in your content. For instance, if you are writing about a product, add some intriguing things like discounts, free services, free shipping, product customization, etc. This may reduce the distance between readers and customers. And it’s better if you choose the long-tail keywords ahead of time that is focusing on these unique selling points. Emphasizing good selling points may help to stand out and this may also emotionally intrigues the readers to purchase your products or choose your services. 

People are always skeptical whether the money they are investing is worthy or not. So there happen a natural flow of questions and these questions have the power to haunt the readers enough to bounce them back from the action. So, in addition to the unique selling points, calculate the possible questions from the readers and answer them beforehand. Believe, this is quite an impressive trick to turn your readers to customers or leads.

6. Calls-to-action is important!

Trigger the curiosity of your readers a bit with calls to action. Far from referring an ultimate goal, try to convince your audience with an intermediary step that helps the readers to reach you by asking questions, filling out forms, etc.

Providing a contact number, Email address or chat box will fetch your readers closer than you think. Provide easy and smooth content and add everything in your content to make the purchase easier. This will remove the barriers to a certain extent by turning the possible readers into customers.

7. What is the right word count for content?

Are you struggling to meet your ideal word limit? If so, just relax. There is nothing like an ideal word limit. Word count is not a yardstick for google algorithms. The length of your content is no longer a factor to care about as search engines hardly consider it. 

Make your content rich with information, and well-researched content might be lengthy and they might climb higher rankings. But, it is just because of the quality of the content and not because of the quantity. So always try to provide quality content that can create backlinks. The more the number of backlinks they produce, the greater they get exposed.

So, trying to exasperate your blogs with too much content is the best way you are for the worst SEO content. Make it immersive enough by adding quality content and visuals. Visuals can do way more than plain texts. Limit your preference to quality for inbound traffic. And make sure you are squeezing the maximum out of the traffic you are getting. Convert the audience to customers with perfect SEO-optimized content.

Seek help from the SEO Experts

Contact Hatchberries and our SEO experts are more than happy to help you. A self-driven bunch of creative digital marketing experts is waiting for transforming your brand stories. Wield the web in our unmatched visual reality world. Feel free to contact us.

Come on, let’s grow together hand in hand!

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